[. . . ] . GB . Important Précau tion s e Somma ire 1 INSTAL LATION confor - Assur me appare à celle indiqu ez-vous que il. chaleu Installez le ée sur l'étiqu la tension-sect r magné importante magnétoscop ette d'identificati eur de votre tiques habita à la chaleu ou électri(cheminée. . . e horizontalem on, située ) ou à l'arrièr tion est ques ent, r. isant de de mmen et 7 cm Laissez 10 t d'espa ale ambiante cet appare des champ cm minim ce autour ne doit il sont sensib s pas dépass um au minimum de dessus pas dépass les pour . [. . . ] ð Once the television has found the video channel of the video recorder, the following message will be displayed on the screen ( VCR, C CH 60 B ). J If the picture is poor (snowy, torn), change the communication channel of the video 8 recorder with keys C / B (11/13). Store channel and its number on the television set. J From now on, to watch the video recorder pictures or menus, you'll have to switch on the television on the channel assigned to the video recorder, i. e. the channel number chosen in step 6. 9 Continue with the steps below. Automatic channel search 1 2 Press key VCR (1) on your remote control. ð You will be informed by a message that your VCR is searching and storing the channels that can be received in your region. You'll have to wait a while until this procedure is completed, before being able to set the clock. BBC 1 on number 1, BBC 2 on number 2, so that the accurate timer recordings can be made. If this happens it is simply a matter of retuning the two affected programmes. To check the automatic tuning of the channels, go to page 5. J When tuning the video recorder, it is essential that channels are stored in the correct order e. g. 4 The from a or a J makesoundtelevisionTV channel stereocassette transmitted viaathe coaxial cable is monophonic. To the reproduce sound, you must use SCART cable. Set-up Clock setting 3a If date and time are correct, press EXIT (14) to leave the menus. 3b If the displayed time is incorrect or was not transmitted, set the clock with the number keys 0 to 9 (19): press key B (11), then enter time and date in the following order: hour, minute, day, month, year. 5 Quit with EXIT (14). GB Sorting the channels J The automatic channel set-up assigns the numbers to the channels in a predefined order. Should this be the case, change these numbers by carrying out the instructions below. For easy channel identification, we suggest that you have a TV magazine at hand. 1 2 3 4a With key MENU (15) call up the SUMMARY menu. With key W (12) select the Channel swapping line and confirm with OK (10). If the proposed channel number matches the picture displayed, press OK (10) to switch over to the next channel. 4b Should the channel number not match the TV picture, scroll the channels with the keys C (13) or B (11). 5 When the channel number matches the TV picture, press OK (10) to validate and switch over to the next channel. 7 When all channels are sorted, press EXIT (14) to leave the menus. New or encoded channel J 1 2 3 4 5 To complete the set-up of your video recorder when the automatic channel set-up has not stored all of the channels or when you wish to store a new channel. Press key VCR (1) on your remote control. With key W (12), select the Manual set up line and confirm with OK (10). Choose CH (for the channels received via your roof aerial) or CC (for the cable network channels) with C (13) or B (11). 7 Press C (13) or B (11) several times to search for the channel of a programme (you may also directly enter a number with keys 0 to 9 (19)). 8 When the programme is encoded (and you have a decoder connected to socket AV2), press the DEC (4) on the remote control (the symbol is then displayed on the screen). 9 When the picture is poor, try the Fine tuning (</>) with W (12), then C (13) or B (11). [. . . ] Display the SUMMARY menu with key MENU (15), then select HiFi controls with key W (12). ð If the tape was recorded in Dolby Surround or Dolby Pro Logic Surround, connection of a special audio/video amplifier will allow you to reproduce these sound effects: - STEREO: stereo sound of the Hi-Fi tracks, - MONO: mono sound of the linear track, - TRACK 1: sound of the left track - TRACK 2: sound of the right track, - MIX: sound of the mixed Hi-Fi and mono tracks. Setting the type of sound to be recorded J The broadcast sound types are different from channel to channel. Your video recorder uses 3 tracks to record the sound: - two Hi-Fi tracks for stereo or bilingual sound (track 1 and 2), - one normal track for mono sound or track 1 for a bilingual telecast. Depending on the actual sound type of the TV channel (stereo, NICAM or mono), the video recorder will distribute the sound on these different tracks. 1 2 3 4 5 Load a tape and press REC (29). [. . . ]